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Cheers to Growth: Sam's Greene King Journey

Caroline  Atkins our consultant managing the role

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Sam’s adventure with Greene King began with a simple yet profound desire – to be part of the esteemed Chef & Brewer brand. The aspiration had been brewing for a while, and when the opportunity finally came knocking six years ago, Sam seized it with enthusiasm. Taking the helm at the Ferry Inn in Wilford Village, Sam embarked on a journey that would not only redefine their career but also immerse them in the warm embrace of the Greene King family.

Whether it’s delivering exceptional, service as a waitress, nurturing and developing a team, or helping a partner enhance their business, Sam cherishes every moment. 

Why did you join greene king?

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I began my journey with GK as a GM for Chef & Brewer. C&B was always a brand I wanted to be part of, I saw the opportunity over 6 years ago and applied for the Ferry Inn, Wilford Village. Having been with Spirit for 12 years previously I knew a lot of people who worked within GK and they always spoke highly so I knew I was making a great decision.


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I joined in May 2017 as a GM in C&B. I took over the Ferry Inn. I had a fabulous team behind me, when I left to join Pub Partners my then assistant manager became the new GM and my team leader became the AM, this was a huge honour as I knew the team that had grown with me & the business would carry on its success.

In May 2022 I became a Learning & Development Partner for PP covering the North region. In this role I supported many of our licensees and their teams in delivering in-house training around many subjects (perfect serve/customer service/cellar and beer management to name a few) As a team we rolled out a Social Media workshop up-skilling our partners on the importance of having a digital presence. As part of this role, we also run the Welcome Inductions in Bury St Edmunds for new partners taking on their pub with GK.

Most recently (April 23) I was promoted to L&D Manager, I am really excited to embark on this new challenge.

How has your experience across a variety of the Greene brands supported your growth/career progression?

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Having been a GM, it really helped me when delivering training within our pubs, as our partners and their teams find me relatable.

How has Greene King supported you in your career progression?

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I’ve been in hospitality since the age of 16 when I began as a waitress in Tom Cobleigh. I went to university and graduated with a degree in Hospitality Management, so I’ve always known hospitality was my calling. 

What is your favourite thing about working in hospitality?

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The best thing about the industry has to be meeting different people everyday and making a difference. Whether as a waitress delivering great service during someone’s meal out, to coaching & developing a team and watching them grow within their own career to helping a partner better their business.

What would you say to someone considering a career at Greene King?

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Do not hesitate! You’ll join a huge family and be surrounded by people who will help you achieve your goals

Caroline  Atkins our consultant managing the role


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